...though I wish they were more like a GPS!
A goal points us in a direction and gives us something to look toward on the journey of life. Without goals, we wander aimlessly and only by chance do we get anywhere (figuratively and otherwise). With a goal in mind, we can strive to accomplish -- we can see ahead, usually far enough to realize we will have to cross rivers or climb mountains or cross deserts. Goals allow us to prepare for obstacles... unfortunately, they don't also convey the best route to travel on the way.
The thing about goals is that there are usually several ways to achieve them. For some, climbing the mountain is no challenge at all, while to others it is an insurmountable obstacle -- yet winding along a treacherous river bank may be quite doable. It is also important to pick goals that are near enough that they can be reached in a finite period of time with a measured amount of effort -- aiming for the stars may result in great achievements, but on the way we have many shorter legs of the journey to complete.
I have chosen my first "goal" on the way to my star of "best health, fitness and appearance I can achieve". I will bust below the 200lbs of weight barrier and tighten below the 38" waist size barrier by Autumn Equinox (Sept 20-22). I will set my next goal once I have achieved this first leg on my journey!
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