Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why we climb Mountains!

600lbs on Leg Press Machine
When I began this reboot, my leg press had been at 470lbs. Some people would consider that a great amount of weight; I do not. I know with certainty that 50+ year old grandmothers are quite capable of 600+ pound leg presses (I've watched). At my strongest a couple years ago, I was pushing over 800lbs on the leg press.

I am happy that I have pushed from 470 to 600 pounds within the first month. This has helped me be accepting of the fact that my weight and waistline have not yet diminished significantly. As long as I make progress, I will strive to be satisified.

I consider that in order to be strong, a man should be able to do the following at minimum:
  • Bench Press = 1x body weight
  • Dumbell Bicep Curl = 1/3 body weight
  • Pull Up = 1x body weight
  • Row = 1x body weight
  • Leg Press = 3x body weight
and I expect a man claiming to be "really strong" to be able to:
  • Bench Press = 1.5x body weight
  • Dumbell Bicep Curl = 1/2 body weight
  • Pull Up = 1.5x body weight
  • Row = 1.5x body weight
  • Leg Press = 4x body weight
I know that may seem extreme; but I see such displays of strength so regularly in men (boys) whom do not "live in the gym".

I have been asked by several people (all women) WHY I would want to be able to move X amount of weight. My response is: why not? Is there any reason not to achieve such a thing? Once one has enough money to live, why do we want more? If we learn a skill, why do we want to improve our ability in it? I could continue with similar questions that parallel that initial one leveled at me by friends and relations.

Pride is the answer. Pride is not the evil emotion that has become so condemned these days. If we have no pride, in ourselves, in our family, in our friends, in our jobs, in our community, what would the result be? We would not strive to improve anything... we would simply be complacent in our acceptance of what is... we would not even care, I suspect, to even maintain that which we already have. Without pride I believe there is very little fuel to power accomplishment.

I will have PRIDE in myself, in mind, body and spirit. From that pride I will be able to fuel my accomplishments. Take that as egotism if you prefer... I look toward better things!

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